Saul Williams – “MartyrLoserKing” MartyrLoserKing is the fifth studio album from musician, actor, poet, and activist Saul Williams. A thinly veiled concept album carved from the tales of it’s main character – a computer hacker living in Burundi with the screen name mrtyr_lsr_kng – the album confr…
Watch it in theaters and on digital: Listen to the soundtrack: Shop our merch: Multi-hyphenate, multidisciplinary artist Saul Williams brings his unique dynamism to this Afrofuturist vision, a sci-fi punk musical that’s a visually wondrous amalgamation of themes, ideas, and songs that Williams has explored in his work, notably his 2016 album MartyrLoserKing.
2001年、アフリカの最貧国マラウイを大干ばつが襲う。14歳のウィリアムは飢饉による貧困で学費を払えず通学を断念するが、図書館で一冊の本と出会い、独学で風力発電のできる風車を作り、乾いた畑に水を引くことを思いつく。いまだに祈りで雨を降らせようとする村で、最愛の父でさえウィリアムの言葉に耳を貸さない。それでも家族を助けたいという彼のまっすぐな想いが、徐々に周りを動かし始める。(C) 2018 BOY WHO LTD / BRITISH BROADCASTING CORPORATION / THE BRITISH FILM INSTITUTE / PARTICIPANT MEDIA, LLC